Quotes & Sayings, Word Art Overlays Bundle

Includes 3 sets for one low price
wedding album templates

Quotes set 1

Word art overlays
Drag one of over 100 inspirational
quotes and sayings overlays onto
your image to create a more
profitable portrait, album or
custom greeting card.

Great for:
Family photos
baby photos
baby boy
new parents and more.

Inspirational quotes and sayings overlays
101 Hi-res PSD drag-on quote and saying overlays.
Contact sheets for easy identification of quotes.
Easy to follow instructions.
Takes just a few seconds to drag a quote
onto an image, resize and flatten.

STEP 1: Open your image.
STEP 2: Choose an inspirational saying.
STEP 3: Drag the quote overlay onto your image
STEP 4: Adjust size or change color.
STEP 5: Flatten.
It's that simple

Designed for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, Windows and Mac.

wedding album creator templates

Baby & Family
Quotes Word Art Overlays set 2


Drag one of over 100 inspirational
baby and family quotes and sayings overlays

wedding group composite templates

Wedding & Anniversary set 3

over 100 inspirational
wedding or anniversary quotes

Includes all 3 sets
Designed for all versions of Photoshop
Instant plus backup disc

Includes all 3 sets
Designed for all versions of Elements
Instant plus backup disc